Sunday 17 April 2011

Could Tralfamadore ever be real?

Peace is an illegitimate term. It is in our human nature to fight. Whether the fighting is for a privilege, a right, or even freedom. Whether it is for a good cause or a bad cause. Or it could be to fight for peace. Whatever the case, fighting will never stop, and worldwide peace will never occur. Vonnegut understands this. But are Tralfamadorians human? Maybe. Physically, no. But is Vonnegut trying to tell us that Earth should be Tralfamadore. Tralfamadore fought for years, and then stopped. Their world is at peace. How? Unexplained.

Now, why do I come across this as a blog topic? My answer: the Mirror of Erised. Confused yet? For all you Harry Potter fans this should be treat. When Harry first discovers this mirror, he's sees his parents. He sees his parents that have been dead for 10 years. Dumbledore tells him that the happiest man in the world would look into this mirror and see nothing but himself. Harry replies, "It shows us want we want, whatever we want.". "Yes, and no. It shows us nothing more or less than than the deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts." If Vonnegut looked into this mirror, he would see a world at peace. But just as Harry does, he knows that this is an unachievable feat. Harry will never see his parents alive again and Vonnegut will never see the world at peace.

This is why I believe that Vonnegut chose to perceive Tralfamadore as the mirror. The comparison as to what someone, in this case Vonnegut, desires to have or to be. Tralfamadore is what is desired but is what is not to be. To be or not to be? That is the question. lol. But that truly is the question.

It is too bad that Earth will be destroyed before peace could ever be close to being achieved.
So it goes.

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