Sunday 17 April 2011

Agreeing with Tareq all the way

I would like to start off by saying that Tareq's blog is an excellent source of ideas. It is very inciteful, entertaining and very descriptive. If you would like to check it out, here is the link:

I would like to start commenting on your post about the organization of the novel. I agree with you 100%. If time travel had taken a hike, it wouldn't be a story, it would be just a book with words in the wrong order; the time travel aspect puts all the pieces of the puzzle together. To focus on the tricky parts of the novel in which everything could potentially become Billy's imagination, you could check out my very first post. It focuses on the alternate options as to how he time travels. It also comes into relation with why Vonnegut uses the time traveling as the main plot. I hope it can help your understanding. As well, I totally believe that the war aspect allows a contrast of good and bad moments in which you should focus more on the good moments. This hidden messaging is another reason why it would be so hard to create a film about the transgressions of Billy, which brings me to your next post.

Nobody could remake such a novel into a physical film. It would be too confusing. Sure, the trailer would intrigue most people as most trailers don't focus enough on the plot argot people won't understand what that plot is, but they go see it because it is intriguing. And writing it down on paper is pretty much the only way to truly understand the plot of this story, as you are able to re-read certain ideas. Exactly. And symbolism and subliminal messaging are very prominent in the novel, so much that you couldn't perceive it all from a movie. It's a visual aid, for god's sake. I would say a mistake is the perfect word for it all.

The last post I will comment on is the one that is truly similar to a post of mine. This is the comparison between the personalities of Billy Pilgrim and Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies, an instant classic! The fact that you haven't seen it until recently is a crime! Just kidding. The content of your comparison is spot on. Luck and innocence are the main traits between them, even though they do live completely separate lives. I also noticed how harmless these two are. This is until they are told to kill, which could be prevalent in the war scene. Which could mean that they are also very loyal. Forrest obtains the record for putting together a lethal weapon despite his 75 IQ, and his only reason for doing it so quickly is because he was told to do it. Forrest prevails while Billy scrapes by while the world dumps on him. As I said in my post about these two, I completely agree that the only difference is their attitude. After researching that Vonnegut is an atheist, I learned that the reasons as to why Billy is dumped on by his superiors is because Vonnegut doesn't believe in fate. He believes that free will is what makes your future which is why Billy is depressed then and now. Forrest on the other hand is mostly happy with his life because fate gives him a break and allows luck to build him up.

Overall, I believe that all of your posts are thorough and persuasive. That is, everyone has their own opinions. And so ends my blog.
So it goes.

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